How old was bruce wayne when his parents died. Follow. How old was bruce wayne when his parents died

 FollowHow old was bruce wayne when his parents died Brandon Spink as 9-year-old Bruce Wayne, as seen in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman R. Everyone is WRONG about what movie Bruce Wayne saw before his parents were murdered. This is an alternate universe where Bruce Wayne died instead of his parents. Bruce. did not truly appreciate his father's legacy, although he did train to the same levels both physically and mentally (as did Dick Grayson, who became Wayne, Sr. Written by Batman co-creator Bill Finger, it depicts a young Bruce Wayne witnessing his parents' murder at the hands of a mugger. If this new Batman is, like Robert Pattinson, 35 years old and Bruce Wayne was 8 when his parents were killed, it’s entirely possible that the movie Thomas and Martha Wayne saw just before their death was CITY SLICKERS II: THE LEGEND OF CURLY’S GOLD — Richard Lawson (@rilaws) October 16, 2021Mrs. in honor of the exact moment Thomas and Martha Wayne died. After Bruce Wayne is killed and outed as the Batman, Turner himself is framed as the mastermind behind the murder. Without further ado, here are the top ten things you didn't know about Bruce Wayne's parents. Past Batman films have explored the lasting trauma of a young Bruce Wayne witnessing his parents’ murder, but they oftentimes move past Bruce’s origin story to emphasize his adult life as a superhero and playboy façade. The Riddler. And not only that, but she knew he murdered the Waynes, and that. Dick becomes Robin at 12 while Batman is 32. who was raised from birth by her abusive father to be the ultimate killer and had to watch a man in agony as he died at a young age!. The new Batman movie suggests that Thomas and Martha Wayne were killed in 2001, which means it’s very likely that they died taking their beloved son Bruce to the theater to see Shrek. Other offspring: Helena Wayne: Selena Kyle and Bruce Wayne’s daughter on Earth 2. Joe Chill (Batman: The Telltale Series) In the video game Batman: The Telltale Series, it is slowly revealed that the Wayne murders weren't as random as. Dead Bruce Wayne; Bruce dies instead of his parents and other timeline shennanigans; Emotional Hurt/Comfort;. Thomas Wayne "Don't be afraid"Family Issues; Bruce Wayne Drinking; Batfamily Angst (DCU) Batfamily (DCU) Non-Linear Narrative; Flashbacks;. Did Bruce Wayne’s parents have to die so Batman could live? One story explores how Bruce becomes a very different Batman after his parents are saved. All 15 times. A childhood sociopath, Elliot tried to kill his parents so he could inherit their fortune. How old should he be exactly when he's parents were killed? Year One stated that he was 6 years old which a O always found it odd since. At the start of The New 52’s Batman & Robin series by Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, and Mick Gray, Bruce took his son to that very spot in Crime Alley. Bruce was born to Thomas and Martha Wayne. Yes, seriously. When my parents died, I made a promise. Although he has no super-powers, Batman's powers of deduction combined with his obsessive determination combine to make him one of the most feared crimefighters in the world. That trauma, killed all innocence and wonder and imagination he had. Dick became Nightwing at 18-19. At 8 years old, Bruce Wayne's parents were gunned down by a mugger on their way back home from the movie theatre, watching Zorro. Lost Parents 1986 8 years old Became Batman. Batman is the alter ego of Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne – 38 Years Old. Batman Forever. I do not know how old Bruce Wayne was when his parents died, only that he was young. How old is Bruce Wayne as of the finale last night ?. His death was announced by his gallery, Acquavella. Thomas Wayne, Elliot blamed Bruce. 12 Tim Drake, how old is he? Tim is 15 years old and in the tenth grade when we hear he is told he is not long after “Knight’s End. Batman's Parents Aren't Dead - H 2014. Bruce was then. Killed right in front of him. If this new Batman is, like Robert Pattinson, 35 years old and Bruce Wayne was 8 when his parents were killed, it’s entirely possible that the movie Thomas and Martha Wayne saw just before their death was CITY SLICKERS II: THE LEGEND OF CURLY’S GOLD — Richard Lawson (@rilaws) October 16, 2021 Mrs. Written by Finger, it. In Batman's opening narration, he says it is "Thursday, October 31st" which places the film in 2024 and the. Bruce Wayne is currently a millionare. I'm about to make good on that promise. Alfred informs Bruce that the trustees from his family's company need to see him, and though he'd rather stay where he is, Bruce nods when Alfred tells him he has no choice. He had love, and they took it from him. He was the son of wealthy industrialists Thomas and Martha Wayne and was brought up in Wayne Manor and it's wealthy splendor and lead a happy and privileged existence. In the 2003 DC Comics series Batman: Gotham Knights, one Gotham City child services worker finally decided to investigate Bruce Wayne and all of his. 14 Batman Is Electrocuted Again By Elmo Galvan (May 1992) In Detective Comics #644 by Chuck Dixon, Tom Lyle, Scott Hanna, Adrienne Roy, and John Costanza, Batman tracks down a criminal named Elmo Galvan who has been attacking people. ". The character was first introduced in Detective Comics #38 (1940) by Batman creators Bill Finger and Bob Kane. Lex Luthor was. The marquee sign at the Monarch Theater also reveals that the Wayne family were enjoying The Mark of Zorro before Thomas and Martha's tragic deaths. His death was a tragedy that shook the city and led to the creation of Batman. Gotham. This tragic event left young Bruce orphaned, and his loyal butler, Alfred Pennyworth, raised him. His crusade is against crime, not one man. The character's origin was first depicted in Detective Comics #33 (Nov. They instilled their virtues in their son as best as they could, but their time with Bruce was tragically cut short after leaving the Monarch Theater and walking through the. With Bruce it is relative simple, pre-crisis we only get the in formations that his Birthday is February 19 th [1] or June 2 nd [2] and that his parents were murdered 15 years before. He is just a regular person, like us. Despite the events of their deaths being so important, there is little information given about the past of Bruce's parents. year time Jump were to occur to where Bruce Wayne is in his late 40s early 50s he could very well decide to Advocate and past the. Lost Parents 1986 8 years old. Look, the event of his parents' death is tragic, but the scream at the end of this one will always make me laugh. Terry's a clone. Dick became Robin at 9. When his parents were shot the guy gave Bruce wink and said "Ka-chow!"New set photos confirm that we will once again sit through the death of Bruce Wayne's parents in a movie starring Batman. The film explicitly shows that it was 2001. k. In Tim Burton’s 1989 film, Bruce is around eight years old. She looks up to Bruce, and they have a very loving relationship. It. So this tragic story ends with more questions than answers and the information increasingly hard to find. And that's a problem. I knew him for less than 4. and Gordon being a rookie on the force. Chilton had two grown sons of her own, and young Joe shortened his last name to "Chill" when he fell into a life of crime. While in The Batman (2022), Bruce Wayne's parents died in 2001. was born the son of Bruce Wayne (Batman) and the wife he married around 1949. Published Aug 24, 2019. Featuring a younger take on the character along with new interpretations of classic Batman rogues. He's also a kid in Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness' Superman/Batman #1. 16 or 17. Dick was already Nightwing on his 20. Harley repeatedly decries Bruce Wayne's inability to cope with his parents' death in a healthy way. The murder of Batman 's parents may be a tragedy, but DC Comics has shown that if the Waynes actually lived. Bruce Wayne was only a child when his parents were murdered. History. This Ball of Mud and Meanness" Bruce tells Malone his parents died "2. During his childhood, he also. The web page explains the different versions of the story of how old Bruce Wayne was when his parents were killed in the comics, movies, and Gotham City. After his birth, though, Talia sped up Damian’s aging process in some ways. 1 Bruce Wayne: 43-years-old. Batman is the world's greatest detective. When his plan failed, due partly to the surgical skills of Bruce's father, Dr. 9. Wayne Allen Pierce Wayne Allen Pierce, age 68, of Sweetwater, passed away Friday, November 17, 2023, at the University of Tennessee. He was born into a wealthy family and had all the advantages that came with it. He should be a killer. Yes. The Pre- Crisis Earth-2 version of Bruce Wayne lived a long life and died as the Commissioner of Gotham City before suiting up a final ill-fated time, and the New 52 's Earth-2 Bruce Wayne died when Darkseid invaded his world. . Tim is 15 years old, according to Oracle in “Bruce Wayne: Murderer. despite the fact that she died decades ago. Although Bruce saw no real value in mythology at this point in his life, the story remained in his mind until he realized to his surprise that he related to. His father, David Willis, was an American soldier. *10:47pm. The death of his parents is what led Bruce down the path to becoming a hero. After that was settled, one of Damian's current enemies, 2-Face-2, along with his hired goon Max Roboto, steals The Joker's old joke-book and takes over Gotham's new artificial climate control system, causing it to rain Monster Serum and Joker Venom all over the city. Like the Waynes, the Kanes were one of Gotham City's wealthiest. . is seldom shown outside of Bruce Wayne's and Alfred Pennyworth's memories of him, and Bruce's dreams and nightmares. #32. Before marrying Thomas and becoming a Wayne, Bruce's mother was known as Martha Kane, named after Batman co-creator Bob Kane. When Dick Grayson left Wayne Manor to attend Hudson University in Batman #217, the dynamic between the Wayne heir and his butler began to change. This changes things. For a long time, I also believed in the famous theory that "Bruce Wayne died in the alley with his parents, so Bruce Wayne became a mask and Batman became his true identity". P. If Bruce had looser connections to these characters, then a part of this narrative could involve learning secrets that Bruce kept all these years and withheld from his vigilante crime-fighting family. Bruce is 26 when he starts as Batman. the entire world would have died. Perhaps if the butler hadn’t had that ill-fated night off, he would have been waiting right outside the theater to take the Wayne family home. Would explain a lot about Bruce. Dick was 13 when the original Teen Titans was founded. Damian Wayne is the only son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, and the only grandson of Ra's al Ghul. BatmanisBW • 9 yr. the man we see now is more so Bruce Wayne than the Batman. Bruce fought criminals on his own for the better part of the next ten years. He strove to keep his brothers from fighting over the cowl and to keep Gotham safe. So for someone like the Riddler, it looks like Thomas himself is involved. 2 billion, which rose to a figure between $100 and $200 billion before over $100 billion. Bruce Johnson acted as Santa's helper around Manistee for more than a decade before he died in 2018. Bruce Wayne, Jr. CryptoThe omniverse just hates 9 year old Bruce Wayne I guess. It all began with that classic origin that we first saw in Detective Comics #33 by Bill Finger and Bob Kane. Alfred bails soon to be 18-year-old Bruce Wayne from a London police station, after Bruce has gotten himself into another fight. Batman Forever. Think of MCU Kate Bishop from the Hawkeye series. In the year 3000, a man named Brane dons the mantle of the long-forgotten Batman in order to fend off an invasion by the Saturnian warlord, Fura. The Batman Family will never be the same, now that Bruce Wayne has finally lost what matters most: Alfred Pennyworth. Now, finding Batman's exact age is a real doozy as. He was already in his 20's when he adopted Dick who was 12 when his parents died now Dick is roughly 25 so that is like 13 years. In the Golden Age of Comics, when he was first introduced, Bruce Wayne was already the vigilante known as Batman. Yeah, by this point it does feel a little overdone, but that doesn't take away from the fact that their deaths created Batman. While the comic itself would present different reasons for this crime over the decades - from a simple mugging gone wrong to Chill being hired by the mob to perform the hit - the results were the same. The Waynes were shot by a mugger in an alleyway after leaving a movie theater. Bruce becomes Batman at 25 after years of training at 30, Batman finds 9-year old Dick Grayson after his parents die in the circus and takes him in. But it still makes Bruce Wayne 37. At the age of 17, Bruce was trained by detective Harvey Harris to improve his detective skills. In some versions of the. Aubrey O’Day Says She’s Been ‘Trying to Tell Y’all’ About Diddy; The ‘Real’ Nathan Fielder Demands a New York Times Correction; Nobody Told Hallmark Channel That Cable Is Dead12. They are the parents of Bruce Wayne, the man destined to become Batman. He was killed in the invasion of Steppenwolf and survived by his daughter, Huntress. Bruce donates probably AS MUCH money as he puts into his gadgetsTerry McGinnis was created for the television series Batman Beyond. According to The Batman director Matt Reeves in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Robert Pattinson's Bruce Wayne was written to be around 30 years old. Harriet Cooper is named by some as a relative of Bruce Wayne but in fact she was the Aunt of his first ward Dick Grayson and thus was nothing to do with the Wayne Family. All 15 times. From Pre-Crisis to Modern Age, New 52 to Rebirth and beyond, Chill is the man that killed Thomas and. His many skills—ranging from cooking to medicine—make him. First up in Bruce's long history of confusing children, there's the creatively named Bruce Wayne Jr. It wasn't actually seeing his parents gunned down that led Bruce Wayne down the path to becoming Batman, but instead seeing how easy it was for criminals to steal VHS tapes. That little boy died in an alleyway with his parents, two bullets were fired but three lives were taken. Digital Spy spoke with David Mazouz - the 13-year-old actor charged with bringing a young Bruce to life - at this year's Comic Con International in San Diego, and found out how it feels to be. But just how old was Bruce Wayne when his parents died? There is some debate on this point, as Batman’s origin story has been retold and rebooted numerous times over the years. . In Earth-3, Bruce Wayne had an older brother named Thomas Wayne Jr. James Gordon – 60 Years Old. Bruce had very few friends during his childhood, however he did become close friends with Harvey. He adopted a military career at the outset of the American Revolutionary War, where his military exploits and fiery personality quickly earned him a promotion to brigadier general. In the previous arc, "Endgame," Bruce Wayne nearly died facing the Joker and awoke with amnesia. 23 years old Selina Kyle first appears as Catwoman. Cover of Batman #676, the first issue of the arc, art by Alex Ross. Written by Grant Morrison, penciled by Tony Daniel, and with covers by Alex Ross, the story pits the superhero Batman against the Black Glove organization as they. as the new Robin. With his memories of his mother and father. Thomas escapes to Earth 23. His story is well-known. However, there's a strong contender for who might've shot Bruce's parents, as well as some. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The murder traumatizes Bruce, inspiring his vow to avenge their deaths by fighting crime in Gotham City as. until The Riddler's plots puncture that decades-old ideal. Thomas Wayne was the father of Bruce Wayne and husband of Martha Wayne. I was geting up early to watch Batman cartoons before his parents were even killed. But it still makes Bruce Wayne 37. Published: Apr 01, 2016 at 10:00 am. Written by Bob Kane, this had all the basic elements; an unidentified mugger who'd killed Thomas and Martha Wayne, leading their son Bruce to vow " to avenge their deaths by spending the rest of my life warring on all. At age 20, he attempted to join the FBI, but after learning about its regulations and conduct, Wayne deducted that he would never be able to completely oppose crime while working within the legal system. Thomas Wayne, while in his "Batman" costume, was forces to perform surgery on mob boss Lew Moxon, but Wayne turned the tables and got Moxon. . proved every bit as capable of being Batman as his dad was. Without further ado, here are the top ten things you didn't know about Bruce Wayne's parents. During the time Bruce was thought to be dead, Dick, in his usual self-sacrificing fashion, finally became Batman. When he realized Batman was Bruce Wayne, he lost control of his powers in a fit of rage and killed them both. It isn't known exactly when he left Gotham to begin his training, but it was most likely during his early to mid-20s. Frustrated by the lack of attention from his new guardian and the mystery still surrounding his parents' death, Dick snuck out of Wayne Manor one evening to solve the crime on his own - only to stumble into. However, Barry’s actions have consequences, trapping himself in an alternate reality with his eighteen-year-old self and no way to get home. 's junior partner Robin). 31-year-old Terry McGinnis breaks into the high-security home of Amanda Waller (now a very old woman). After returning from the theatre, the Wayne family was stopped by a mugger, Joe Chill, in an abandoned street. In Gotham, Bruce Wayne was around 10 years old when his parents were killed. The Drakes asked the Flying Graysons for a photo together, resulting in a momentary bond between Tim and Dick Grayson as they met for the first time. One night, he was abducted from the Asylum by X-Tract and taken to an interdimensional prison ship. Now, their deaths are much more significant than the trapeze artists simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, there were times throughout history where Batman had to pass down his mantle to someone else. When Bruce was a young child, he and his parents were walking home from the theater and were held up. He was able to achieve the body and strength of a ten-year-old before he was technically five years old. This past weekend, though, comedian and television writer Mike Drucker — admittedly unaware of. via meaaww. Toward the end of the movie, this version of the Joker has several Joker minions, and a guy in a Joker mask kills Thomas and Martha Wayne, in front of 10-year-old Bruce Wayne. In his youth Bruce Wayne witnessed the brutal murder of his father and mother by a street hoodlum. Eight-year-old Bruce retreated into himself for a long decade, and in that time Alfred got a good sense of what his boy needed. Bruce Wayne's parents were doing a much better job of protecting Gotham from the league of shadows than Batman. Alfred, wanting to protect him, bought much of Gotham city and hired some “villains” to fight. Adam West was born William West Anderson on September 19, 1928, in Walla Walla, Washington. After their violent murder at the hands of a mugger, Bruce. Earth3(new 52): Thomas Wayne Jr. In Justice League: Last Ride, Batman is having nightmares related to his origin where his parents died after being. One of the things that really separated Terry from Bruce is that Terry never formally took on a Robin. For all he is, ever since that night he made that promise in the candlelight, he's not been Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is a billionaire playboy from Gotham City. Something went wrong. A mugger named Joe Chill confronted the family and shot Thomas and Martha Wayne dead. It’s the same deal over. Falcone's father Vincent Falcone came to Wayne Manor and begged Thomas. That all seems to work for the stories being told. He meets Batman and Nightwing and becomes the new Robin. Batman's former sidekick and ally Dick Grayson has died a number of times throughout his existence, often in spectacular or dramatic ways. The Wayne family encounters Joe Chill, in Detective Comics #33 (November 1939). Learn about the parents of Batman, the wealthy and philanthropic couple who died in a mugging in 1981. Bruce’s 48-years-of-age-by-2011 (based upon my timeline’s perspective) also works when contrasted to the ages of other characters around him, such as Dick Grayson and Tim Drake. Thanks to Chase Meridian and Riddler, Bruce Wayne literally completes psychotherapy to overcome the death of his parents. That moment, Bruce Wayne. Social Services was against this arrangement but money in the right places took care of any issues. He only introduced himself to Bruce after his own father had died and asked Alfred to carry on his legacy as the Wayne's butler. One of the few examples to actually specifically detail the age of young Bruce Wayne was Alan Brennert and Dick Giordano's classic "To Kill a Legend" in Detective Comics #500, which explained that Bruce Wayne was eight years old when. Returning to the car through an. You've made your father's killers pay for his murder, then put your own needs aside to help the city when it most needed a hero. Alexander Joseph "Lex" Luthor (/ ˈ l uː θ ɔːr,-θ ər /) is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Jason Peter Todd is a character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. In Robin #116, Tim celebrates his Sweet 16. In the comics, these changes included Bruce Wayne being killed in his parents' place, leading to his father becoming Batman instead of him. Alfred was in music halls and on the stage in England. Following the Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne and Flashpoint events, Bruce Wayne returned to his role as Batman, while Dick resumed as Nightwing. Thomas Wayne ran for mayor in 2001, was shot in 2001, Pattinson has said multiple times that Bruce was 10 when his parents were killed, The Batman takes place 20 years after the death of the Waynes, so 10 years old plus 20 years means Bruce is 30 in The BatmanAs a child, a young Bruce Wayne witnesses the death of his parents at the hands of a crazed criminal. Raised in wealth and luxury, young Bruce Wayne was happy – until the night his. The character was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. You've honored the reputation of Batman many times over and for that, I thank you. She was one of. Kevin Conroy (November 30, 1955 – November 10, 2022) was an American actor. By Russ Fischer. Dr. Born into the wealthy Wayne family, Bruce had an idyllic childhood, although his moralistic and philanthropic parents gave him a strong sense of justice. Bruce is 48-years-old in 2011. A final possibility is Alfred knowing the full, unadulterated story of the Wayne murders, but telling Robert Pattinson's Bruce a sanitized version of the truth. " —Bruce Wayne[src] Bruce Wayne is the only son of the late Thomas and the late Martha Wayne and the heir to the Wayne fortune. Top Most 11+ How Old Was Batman When His Parents Died [8] How old was Bruce Wayne when he became Batman? [9] Batman (Bruce Wayne) [10] How Old is Bruce Wayne? [11] I Just Wish I Knew How Batman’s Parents Died [12] ‘Shrek’ or ‘Zoolander’? Theories abound over what movie Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed after seeing in. 75 years old. However, in World's Finest #223, Thomas Wayne Jr -- three years older than Bruce -- was introduced. If anything, he would. While each member has drawn the curiosity of the city's citizens, the clan's most famous and revered members were. And that's a problem. "There's nothing wrong with being afraid. The Batman 2022: The film Bruce Wayne watched the night his parents’ were murdered. And Joe Chill is a full grown man while you're at six year old scale. But just for curiosity's sake, if Bruce Wayne's parents were killed outside a theater in 2001, what movie. As a young boy, Bruce Wayne saw his parents gunned down by Joe Chill. Subscribe now for more Gotham clips: more. Can confirm; one of my best friends died 7 years ago. Best Answer. The same. The reality of losing both parents at a young age stayed the same. And not only that, but she knew he murdered the Waynes, and that. Batman R. If we follow the idea of Bruce being 8 years old when his parents were murdered. And a legacy of philanthropy, but that's also Bruce's way of. ago. in honor of the exact moment Thomas and Martha Wayne died. WindDancer. 16-year old Barbara joins the Bat family 2 years later (Batman at 34 and Robin at 14)While more recent comics state Dick was a young teen when his parents died, it was a traumatizing experience no matter his age. Richard Grayson – 23 Years Old. After being discharged from the military in 1957, his father. Leslie Thompkins quickly took it upon herself to help care for the young child. first issue of batman and robin new 52 says a september night at 10:48. This event traumatizes young Bruce Wayne and drives him to become the Caped Crusader. . A low-level thug who brutally murdered Thomas and Martha Wayne before the eyes of their. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Chilton had two grown sons of her own, and young Joe shortened his last name to "Chill" when he fell into a life of crime. Chill later rose in power in the criminal underworld, becoming a crime boss by the time Bruce became Batman. Thomas Wayne saved the life of gangster Carmine Falcone. Killed right in front of him. In all of the well documented interpretations of Batman lore, it was rare that Bruce Wayne is depicted having any siblings. 12. desperate to get back to being Batman, Bruce handed over Ra's powerful. After all, aside from his cousin Kate Kane, a. Published Aug 6, 2020. In a world where the Justice League was nearly destroyed after the death of Martian Manhunter, Batman is still struggling to come to terms with the hero's demise. Written by. Rescue of Terry McGinnis. At this point, it has been three years since his parents died. Bruce Wayne, known by his alter-ego Batman, was a billionaire businessman who masqueraded as a bat in order to fight crime in Gotham City. Thomas Wayne is a brilliant surgeon and billionaire CEO of WayneTech. [79] Tim was 13 years old during Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying, [169] 15 in Bruce Wayne: Fugitive, [170] and 17 in Red Robin: 7 Days of Death. Warning: spoilers for Batman:. With his memories of his mother and father. He lives with his family at Wayne Manor on the outskirts of Gotham City. In Bruce Wayne's mind, his parents were good people trying their best who never did anything to deserve what happened to them. The death of Thomas and Martha Wayne changed their only son Bruce 's life forever. Find out their age, net worth, height, and other facts about their lives and legacy. a. Series. Robert Pattinson is older than the character, at 35 years old, but he is believably. In the DC Animated Universe Terry has succeeded Bruce Wayne as Batman, the protector of Gotham City. Jersey Shore Family Vacation. Narrowing it down, Year One is only applicable to Post-COIE Batman rather than pre-Crisis or New 52 Batman. In different iterations, Bruce’s age can vary slightly, but to say he was eight at the time of his parents’ murder is considered right. Spoilers ahead for Nightwing #82. Not much is known about Chilton, except that he appears to be a petty mugger who kills Thomas and Martha Wayne in front of their child, Bruce, while trying to take their money and jewelry. Fight back. Morphh • 9 yr. Bruce grows up believing the attack was a case of. His parents died when he was so young. Yeah I believe Miller has it stated that Bruce basically wasn’t in Gotham at all for most of his adolescence in Year One and only spoke to Alfred through letters. The original Batman (Bruce Wayne) discovers his father's actions and disassociates himself with Thomas. " Gus Lewis. He was a well-known surgeon, philanthropist and CEO of Wayne Enterprises (which he inherited from his own father, after his father made patients on on industrial technology, which he invested in real estate making the family billions). However, by 2011, Bruce had begun working with the young Barbara. Bruce Returns as Batman, James Gordon Retires (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns): Bruce Wayne – 48 Years Old. Martha Wayne is a horrible crazy old hag <shudders> ash007. When his parents were gunned down in front of him, Bruce Wayne resolved to rid Gotham City of the criminal element that took their lives. In the mainline DC Universe, Bruce is the adoptive father of Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Cassandra Cain, and the biological father of Damian Wayne, who is Bruce's son with his old lover Talia Al Ghul (the daughter of Bruce's ex-mentor and League of Assassins head Ra's al Ghul, thus making Ra's Damian's grandfather), all of whom. 9 Martha's Old Flame. Anonymous. (turns out that he had met Tim the day that his parents had died 10 years earlier). Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. The Court Member that Bruce encounters sadistically teases Bruce over his parent's death, specifically mentioning that Thomas Wayne had hidden something in Martha Wayne's. Bruce Wayne rescued Dick by adopting him as his ward, because the boy did not want to replace his deceased father with the billionaire. Jersey Shore Family Vacation. In other canons, it wasn't the Joker. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, in addition to mastering martial. Shot. 10 Felt Bad: Death Of His Parents When Batman's costume is torn, he wears Thomas Wayne's. One of the few examples to actually specifically detail the age of young Bruce Wayne was Alan Brennert and Dick Giordano's classic "To Kill a Legend" in Detective Comics #500, which explained that Bruce Wayne was eight years old when his parents were killed in front of him. is an American comic book story arc published in Batman #676–681 by DC Comics. As of The New 52 , Damian continued to work with his father, but temporarily gave up being Robin (as his mother had put a price on his head), and went under the identity of Red Bird. Like any ordinary human being, Bruce Wayne can die. It’s always an act. Year Four Dick Grayson becomes Robin just before he turns 11 in March. maybe he finish school earlier. As he digs deeper into the Riddler case, Bruce eventually learns that his father worked hard to suppress a secret about his wife, and that suppression. ago. The fact that guys rarely look poorly shaven in old photographs suggests that maybe we don't need to keep increasing the. By the 1600s, Bruce's ancestors had made the trip across the pond to what would one day become the United States of America. is back in business - despite him not endorsing it, or even funding it (remember. More than 250,000 Twitter users “liked” the [idea]. Roman Sionis, a former business executive and mafia boss who originally hated Bruce Wayne rather than Batman, wears a black wooden mask and leads the Sionis Crime Family, also known as the False Facers. He was raised alone. . you don't want a character like Batman to actually be over 95 years old -- Bruce Wayne's b-day has. Learn about the parents of Batman, the wealthy and philanthropic couple who died in a mugging in 1981. Gotham. His resources have afforded Bruce a life as a successful crime fighter, and Wayne's fortune makes up for his lack of numbers or lack of super physical attributes. published 8 January 2016. He is just a regular person, like us. Bruce Wayne was born to billionaires Thomas and Martha Wayne on February 19th, 1995. In Detective Comics #1027, Batman's team-up with Deadman reminds him of his mother, and the experience helps him find peace with his parents death. Despite his tragic past, he has overcome all obstacles to dedicate his life to the eradication of crime in his home, Gotham City. His memory of Thomas Wayne, the authoritarian father figure, became intertwined with his guilt and disapproval. Written by. He still had a support system, of course: his friend Max functions more or less like Oracle once did for Batman, and Bruce Wayne is a kind of ongoing consultant for Terry's nightly patrols. The result of that night was that Bruce Wayne grew up to become Batman. His millions enable Mr.